Was I sleeping during this part of "ECON 101"???

The logic behind some of these quotes come close to topping the logic of the "we count our equity loans as income" quote I wrote about.
The problem is, I don't even know where to start with all of these choice quotes...but here goes.
The article I am referring to is from the San Diego Union Tribune (signonsandiego.com) titled "Pros see no doom, gloom in slowdown"
Here goes....let's look at this economic wisdom first:
Despite rising interest rates, a growing for-sale inventory and a slowing sales pace, the county's shortage of housing will prevent prices from dropping steeply, speakers asserted.
"It's Economics 101," said Leslie Appleton-Young, chief economist for the California Association of Realtors. "It's demand and supply."
I guess I slept through the part where RISING inventory and SLOWING sales means that there is a "shortage" and that prices won't drop. In the economics class I took in college, they said that supplies grew as demand went down...not the other way around. Let's not even take into account the fact that rates ARE rising, and as you can see in the post below this one, it does affect the amount of money you can borrow.
Let's see what else we can find:
The fundamentals of the housing economy remain sound, said Louis A. Galuppo, director of USD's Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate. "We may see a decline in sales but not prices."
Again, inventories have grown dramatically the past several months, and there are decreased sales. In the class I took, that means that prices will have to come down so that an equilibrium level is reached. You cannot continue to have inventories grow with sales slowing, and NOT have prices go down.
Another reason homeowners are staying put is Proposition 13, the landmark property-tax-cutting initiative. Passed in 1978, the measure limits tax increases on properties until they are sold. Many owners are reluctant to sell and give up their tax breaks, Appleton-Young said. If they buy a new home at a higher price, "they look at doubling and tripling their taxes."
So let me get this straight, the people that own a home already will be reluctant to "move up" because of higher property taxes. So...does that mean the property taxes aren't just as high if you don't already own a home?!?!? $500 to $1000 bucks a month in property taxes is big increase no matter if you own already or not. BUT, by looking at the rising inventories, it seems that many homeowners aren't so reluctant so sell, but what do I know. See this site for inventory tracking of various "bubble areas" and see for yourself.
Next we have one of my favorite topics...the use of "creative" financing to help borrowers 'afford' the high housing prices. Let's see what the 'experts' say:
Several speakers at the conference addressed the use of new lending products that had enabled middle-wage consumers to attain financing for high-priced homes. Many "creative" mortgage loans have low, introductory payments that adjust upward with prevailing interest rates after several years. In general, they shift risk from the lender to the borrower.
Anfuso said fears that such loans would trigger defaults were misplaced. Many borrowers "are going up the wage scale" and will be able to handle rising payments, he said.
Look at my post below. I know the numbers are for fixed rate loans, but just look at the difference in payments at 1% and 2% increases. I just have a hard time believing that a lot of people will be making an extra $1000 a month over the next 1-3 years to be able to afford the jump in their payments. If you look at California Association of Realtors report numbers, they say that:
"California households, with a median household income of $53,840, are $70,480 short of the $124,320 qualifying income needed to purchase a median-priced home at $530,430 in California..."
Do you really think that most people are going to have their incomes more than double in the next few years to keep up with adjusting ARMs and rising interest rates??? These people couldn't afford fixed rates when they were at all time historic lows, what are they going to do when their adjustible rates and fixed rates are higher?!?!?
Here is a prediction from one of the 'experts':
In her forecast, Appleton-Young predicted a 2 percent statewide decrease in single-family home resales next year. She anticipates a 10 percent statewide increase in the cost of a median-priced resale home.
So there you have it. Sales are going to decrease 2%, but prices are going to increase 10%. With the inventories growing like they are, the cost to borrow money increasing, and affordability at an all time low, I don't see how property can appreciate at 10%.
I'll leave you with this final comment that should put your minds to rest:
Appleton-Young called California real estate a market in transition. "I think we're in for a soft landing," she said.
Well, there you have it. The experts say there is nothing to worry about. I tend to think differently, but what do I know. I just look at the math behind what they are saying and make my own conclusions.
Either way, we will have to revisit this at a later date to see who is right. Who do you believe, and if you had to place a bet, where whould you put YOUR money, on their analysis, or mine?!?!?
You see it's different this time. :>)With more idiots in the market they're proclaiming a new era that they've discovered. Yeah right. These bubbleheads will be out of business soon. Sorry the old dogs will survive this nonsense and be patiently waiting to capture sound investments in the future. Until then boycott the bubble. I fought the FED before and lost and it won't happen again.
I thought it was supply and demand?
Great picture! I think that was my micro class only they seem a little more lively.
These are just death throes, they are in denial. Many of the other experts seem to be saying flat sales and prices or worse. Hell businessweek has the after the bubble as a cover for crying out loud.
I agree with you. People talk of housing prices going up...like the sun coming up. It is just a "given" now.
So yes, ALL of the experts comments are correct IF homes prices go up forever. But since that can't happen...
It is just a matter of time...
Thanks for the posts!
All the numbers say the these particular "experts" quoted in the article are dead wrong. I tend to wonder if they are being purposely untruthful in their "analysis" because I don't understand how anyone can be so stupid--as you say, this is really just Econ 101. If you look at it from the perspective of these folks, it probably doesn't make a lot of sense for them to be saying "we're all fuc$ed." An earlier poster mentioned the positive feedback loop that can help cause escalating RE prices when the sentiment for RE is positive--obviously this can and will shift as it always has in the past until a lot of people sour on RE and the prices start going the other way in a negative feedback loop. None of these "experts" want to be responsible for contributing to or causing that. Better to soothe the sheeple with kind words and let them know that everything will be all right--even if it won't be.
"Alex Zikakis, president and founder of Capstone Advisors, said he didn't see a strong presence of speculators in the local residential real estate market. Jill Morrow, president and chief operating officer of Coldwell Banker San Diego, said the local housing market was not driven by investors."
Best laugh I've had all day. Something is driving 15,000+ properties here in SD to sit on the market, and if it isn't people speculating that we have hit a peak, I'd love to hear what it is!
Here is part of the problem. You have people in a business that is pretty much 100% commission, where (the past few years) you could make a lot of money, fairly quickly, with not much work for the pay.
Some of these people took their lifestyles to a point where they NEED to continue to make money at that pace to keep their lifestyle going.
The smart ones saved enough money to last them a lifetime, albiet at a "lesser" lifestyle than some of their counterparts have been living.
I have broker shops where the owner drives an older honda civic or pick-up truck...and the newer loan officers are driving 745's, 500 series benzes, range rovers, hummers, etc.
The owner is getting rich, the others are living that way.
Not representative of everybody...but there are people living beyond their means in this business.
Where do you put your money? Just curious.
I've shorted most of the home builder stocks, went long on energy and gold.
If I had more $, I would short the retail sector especially, nordstrom, coach, and luxury item retailers/manufactures.
Also I think that in 2006, alot of the I/O arms will reset since so many people refi and bought property in 2005 with the 1 yr fixed arm I/O loans where the teaser rate is 1.35%
what's your take?
Rent Boy
At the moment, I am mostly in cash in various fixed income type accounts. Since I don't know exactly where things are headed, I'll take my ballpark 4% returns right now.
Btw, I have a friend tha manages at Nordstrom, and their store is doing very well. Don't know if that is much of an indicator or not, but be careful shorting stocks if you are doing it uncovered.
LA homeowner,
I don't know what the average broker makes, but 20k is entirely believable.
I was talking to one broker this week who has consistently hit 25-28k per month the past few years. The last 3 paychecks have been 16-18 per month as they have been "slacking" some.
I know one broker who had a YTD gross of over 800k in october. Broker had been in the business for years and worked hard at it.
I also know lots of people making 3-8k a month as well.
WIth so many people running into the business the past few years,there is a LOT more desparity now.
But, yes, 20k a month is not out of the question at all. Especially in that area and for that company.
I hope that helps some..
Apologies in advance as I'm a somewhat neophyte blogger but is there an appropriate acronym for peeing my pants while lol?
I am SO glad I stumbled upon your site (from either Bay Area Housing or Housing Bubble 2). Your's, shall I say, has a little more edge and even some hard data and anecdotes to back it up.
This particular diatribe earns a Gold Medal. Well done!
Thank you for your comments!
Talking mortgage data can get very boring, so I try to lighten it up a little bit and make it interesting. Ben's blog is the best out there for news articles and content, plus you can learn a lot from the comments.
After much commenting over there I decided to start my own blog where I can share my experiences. Many people have said it is a nice compliment. I try my best to do 1 good post per day not including the weekends. I'm glad people are getting benefit from my blog and that they keep checking back.
Thanks again...
A most excellent post - nicely done.
I wish we could fast-forward a year to see how this all ends up. I'm pretty sure this whole supply and demand thing, even though, boy, it's soooo confusing isn't it - might have some relationship, some tiny relationship, to prices
Rent Boy: In my post-bubble blog, I talk about where I put my money. I wouldn't directly attack the stock market. You have more risk, but you could end up with more reward. I'm exposing my self with some moderate risk along with some 4%-7% fixed income.
The credit card debt. The car payment. The mortgage payment. The health costs. The school tuition. The gas in the car. The groceries.
Just wait for tax increases on property and income. Seems to me a big head ache is coming for USA citizens.
"So let me get this straight, the people that own a home already will be reluctant to "move up" because of higher property taxes. So...does that mean the property taxes aren't just as high if you don't already own a home?!?!? $500 to $1000 bucks a month in property taxes is big increase no matter if you own already or not."
Actually, I think this argument makes some sense. According to Wikipedia:
Under Proposition 13, the real estate tax on a parcel of property is limited to 1% of its purchase price, adjusted for inflation, until the property is resold. There is a maximum 2% increase allowed in the assessed value per year, and property is reassessed when additions or new construction occur.
If you own a home that has had its property taxes capped by the 1% rule, or assessment held down by the 2% rule, you face a considerable tax increase if you buy a new home ...even for the same price. The new cap would be 1% of the new purchase price, which could be several times the old cap if you've owned for many years. Then you would pay taxes based on the purchase price rather than the old 1% cap, and could go up significantly.
If you live in a house whose assessment has been kept down by the 2% rule, and you buy a new house assessed at purchase price, again you can see a significant increase in tax rate, not just taxes. If you sell a $600,000 house which is assessed for tax purposes at $300,000 - because of the Prop 13 limits - and buy a $900,000 house assessed at $900,000, (in the same tax district), rather than seeing a 50% increase in taxes you would see a tripling of taxes.
I see this effect with my father's house in Pennsylvania. He pays much less in real estate taxes than neighbors with much smaller houses on less property because his is assessed at the value in 1970 when an addition was added, and theirs are assessed at their 1990s-2000's build or purchase price. If he sold and rebought his house, the taxes would increase by a couple hundred percent.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs and your writing style gives me a big laugh.
Yeah. Cash is always king. If you want to play it conservatively, you might want consider diverting some of that cash into gold, which has been appreciating 15% yoy.
Yeah.. past performance doesn't guaratee the same outcome in the future but looking out to 2006, I see the dollar weakening and less flexiblity in the US economy.
If the FED stops raising interest rates, the dollar won't be so strong as before and the currency traders will sell dollars.
If the FED continues raising interest rates, the economy will slow down and may go to a spiraling recession and investors will find a safe haven to park their money.
Thanks for tip about Nordstrom. I'll see how they perform in 2006 before I take the plunge.
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